Kit includes the mounting body incorporating the Lee quick change Breech lock feature. The body accepts our new low cost bullet sizer and punch. The new sizing die is hardened steel, and specially tapered to reduce sizing effort. The sizing die is retained in the mounting body with a dual threaded bottle adapter.
Bullets are sized nose first; this is the most accurate and causes the least distortion. Best of all, no special top punches are required. Will seat and crimp gas checks while sizing.
Great for powder coated or liquid lubricated bullets.
Fits any Breech Lock equipped reloading press. If you don’t have a Breech lock press, but it has a removable die bushing, update it with the 1 1/4-12 or 1 1/2-12 Lee Breech lock update kit.
Order Bullet Sizer & Punch below. All bullets must be lubricated order Lee Liquid Alox or your favorite coating.